My Why? Faith, Family, Flexibility, Freedom! Getting free from all the lies that tried to keep me bound! You can’t write a book without a publishing deal! #LIE You’ll never finish your book! #LIE You better work a 9-5 for another 25 years to get retirement… #LIE. Slow down and do one thing at a time #LIE. I been a Principal for 10 years.. and by the GRACE of God I’m only 40! I love youth, I’m serious about my responsibilities towards them, and I don’t play when it comes to educating young people, but that is only one of my talents. Nothing is wrong with not wanting to BE your JOB. You can start your next chapter whenever you want to!
We are more than just the roles that we play in other people’s lives. People will keep you conditioned to believe that you can only be what they need you for! Even though they may be well intended, their vision for you is limited! #LIE I am a believer, an entrepreneur, published author, professor, servant, wife, mom & boss. I believe even when I don’t understand, I believe even when I can’t see it, and I believe in spite of all obstacles. #notwaitingonaresolution #livingnow #deathofalie #thedeathofalie